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  • @localiseorg


    The only one I have personally tested is this:

    It’s clunky but seems to work. I have no idea what mess it might create in the database.

    For any community or social networking platform to survive, it’s essential that content moderation can be divested to and distributed amongst the end-users. IMHO this sort of functionality should be bundled with BuddyPress.



    Dokan looks very interesting indeed, but such a shame they’ve released it as a theme and not a plugin – means I can’t wire it in to my existing theme. :/



    Two plugins for blocking users. Agree that if flagging/reporting content it would be nice to have option to block the user at same time.




    @jconti – probably best as a separate plugin rather than bundling too much in to WangGuard.

    A modernised version of would be ideal, as that plugin already does most of what’s required – it just needs lots of cleanup.

    Admin settings interface:

    Choose which content types should get a report/flag link (including things like status updates, comments, groups, forums, members, posts, articles, etc).

    Customise link text, eg. “Report %username%” or “Flag %contenttype%” etc.

    Decide how many reports something needs before an automatic response is triggered. Eg. if 5 people have flagged a comment as bad, person who made that comment should get a customised message and the message should optionally be forwarded to an admin.

    The message I’ve set up in BP Moderation plugin looks like this:


    Several users reported your content as inappropriate:

    A community moderator has been notified and will review the content. If it is found to be in violation of our site terms of use, your account will be removed.


    Front-end UI:

    Make HTML as consistent as possible, but compatible with the UI found for the specific type of content.

    Ensure there is a specific class on all flag/report links, eg. class=”abuse-button”

    Ensure there is a content type specific class on each flag link, eg. class=”abuse-type-comment”

    Ensure there is a state specific class on all links, eg: class=”not-flagged” or class=”is-flagged” as applicable.

    Use AJAX when user flags/unflags something to avoid page refresh.

    Management Interface:

    There should perhaps be two management interfaces, one for site admins in the WP backend, and one for forum/group mods in the front-end.

    In the backend, see BP Moderation plugin for an example.

    In the front-end, it would be nice if say a group admin/moderator would get messages about problem users in their group and be able to deal with it themselves (via front-end UI, I don’t want normal users of my site going in to WP backend). This would reduce workload of WP site admins.

    Spam integration:

    I assume this is something native to WP but it might be from a plugin, not sure. Anyway, in admin area when you go in to Comments or Topics, etc., and hover over content items you get a spam link in the links that appear:

    Spam link in admin interface

    It would be nice if when the auto-response message is triggered (as mentioned earlier – for example after 5 people report something) it could be marked as spam. When marked as spam, content is hidden from the front-end and moved to a ‘spam’ folder on the backend. This would mean if several people report something it is temporarily hidden while an admin looks in to it – if the admin thinks it’s ok they can un-spam it, otherwise they can delete it.

    I have no idea which content types / reply types support this spam thing. It would also be worth checking with whoever implemented the spam thing to see what their future plans are?

    Other Notes:

    If the new plugin could provide hooks so that other plugins such as WangGuard could hook in to it, that would be ideal. For example, if WangGuard sees a blacklisted word in a comment it could automatically flag it or something like that.

    It would be useful if there was a record kept of how many times a user’s content has been flagged enough times to trigger auto-responses. This would enable admins to spot repeat-offenders who are regularly annoying other end-users and factor that in to any subsequent decision making (eg. should I ban that user?).

    It would be nice if there was a way to auto-suspend a member account if lots of their content is getting reported/flagged. This ties in with the count thing mentioned above. So if they’ve spammed groups and forums with spammy adverts, etc., and as a result other members have reported those things several times, the offending user would be auto-suspended if they have more than say 3 items moved to spam at any given time.





    I set up a menu using Admin > Appearance > Menus which allows me to display the hierarchy in the menus, but there’s still the issue with the breadcrumbs and titles.

    With the code snippet above, is that something that could be added to a child theme? (I’m still reading up on what those are).

    I’m talking to the developer of the theme I use to see if they can provide a theme-centred approach to dealing with plugin breadcrumbs and titles (it’s not just BP that is causing me this headache). Ideally I want to avoid making lots of small edits to stuff on the server side as I’m not too familiar with PHP, or WP for that matter, and don’t want to land myself in a maintenance nightmare.



    Yes, I can see that, I guess my question is: Why?

    Specifically, what benefit is there to associating them with wordpress pages and then making them not work the way wordpress pages work? It seems nuts.

    It’s like “Hey everyone, we’ve made it so you can associate them with pages to take advantage of some of the great features of pages. And then we made sure that they ignore the page title, page hierarchy, breadcrums and just about everything else you love about pages.”





    Found some useful stuff here, but some of it is commercial :/ WangGuard in particular implements “report” links, but not sure to what extent (looks like it’s limited to activity stream?)

    10 Proven Ways To Stop BuddyPress Spam



    This sort of functionality is something that’s definitely required for BP – there’s no way an admin can go round reading everything on a busy site, abuse monitoring has to be crowdsourced to the members.

    The plugin I’ve been testing, which was last updated in 2013, is this one:

    Interestingly it covers just about everything – from members, private messages & their senders, statuses, activity comments, topics, forums, groups, posts, pages, blog comments, and probably a whole bunch of other things. I have a hunch they are hard-coded though.

    It works to an extent, but glitches I’ve found so far include:

    * Setting to define what text appears on the ‘Flag’ links don’t get applied to all links
    * Flag link text for things like posts (and possibly pages) starts appearing in excerpts
    * It’s using images rather than FontAwesome / Fontello via CSS = ugly and slow
    * The admin menu icon is broken somewhat (looks ugly) but that’s minor thing

    IMHO if the UI could be cleaned up, images replaced with icon fonts, and somewhat improved control over link text implemented, this plugin would be pretty much there and would cover just about all aspects of WP, BP and (with some extra coding) probably even bbPress.

    Unfortunately I’m pants when it comes to PHP so can’t help with this task 🙁

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