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  • @lumenbeing


    or something to that effect? backticks got removed from the post



    @pjries Okay actually I’m confused by the bit you said was important. When you wrote
    `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tablename_bb_forums`

    did you mean I should insert the wp_???_ bit ? Or whatever the prefix used in other tables?
    I think that’s what you meant, so would the command look like this?
    `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wp_i28ycb_bb_forums` (
    `forum_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `forum_name` varchar(150) NOT NULL default ”,
    `forum_slug` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,
    `forum_desc` text NOT NULL,
    `forum_parent` int(10) NOT NULL default 0,
    `forum_order` int(10) NOT NULL default 0,
    `topics` bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
    `posts` bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
    PRIMARY KEY (`forum_id`),
    KEY `forum_slug` (`forum_slug`)



    @pjries Thanks for this. I hope I understand what you said correctly. I’m going to give it a try today and I’ll post the results here.



    I’m one of the ones who installed WordPress with one click on Dreamhost. I can’t downgrade my MySQL and even if I could, we have a production server running membership site now (just without forums) so manual wordress install from scratch is not an option. Can I just manually create missing tables using phpmyadmin or something?



    @javiermatosdes & @dba2k10 – will those solutions work for someone who has commited the sin of 1-click install with Dreamhost?

    – That’s nice, but what is the solution if a bb-config change occurred?



    Okay if reinstalling now were an option I would totally do it, but I’m working on a project that has come too far and MUST launch in a day. Funny enough, “fixing the broken buddypress forums” was the last item on a long list of to dos.
    I’m not afraid to dive into the config file or the database to do what needs to be done.
    thecoup mentioned that there might be another way. I would love to hear it.

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