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  • @lustek


    thank you all for your help. it’s getting more clear. now I have a final question. I’ve installed the plugin unconfirmed – it is almost the same as built-in bp functionality: /wp-admin/users.php?page=bp-signups. The only difference is that is shows activation keys also.

    My last question is about the number of unactivated records. Unconfirmed plugin shows exactly the same number I have in the database with status=2.

    But /wp-admin/users.php?page=bp-signups shows more users as unactivated – also those whom I changed status to 0 directly in the database. I tried to delete actiavion_key for them in wp_usermeta, but they still appear as unactivated.

    It’s not really a huge problem, as they can log in. But I want to have order in our database – so what else should I change so that they don’t show in activation section?



    @henrywright, thanks for your answer.

    So what is the reason to keep activation_key in wp_usermeta? in which part of the site it is used?



    i figured it out myself. the code i added to chouf’s function is:

    $my_account_node = $wp_admin_bar->get_node(‘my-account’);
    //remove the edit profile node
    //add it again to reorder
    foreach($my_account_node as $key => $value)
    $my_account_node->$key = str_replace(‘top-secondary’, ‘root-default’,$value);

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