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  • @ma3ry


    This is positively brilliant! Thank you for sharing.

    I don’t suppose you would know how to remove “ago” or even the number of months?

    The documentation link was moved to formatting date and time in general settings and there is nothing about time elapsed.

    I tried a few custom options but couldn’t get it right.

    Thank you.



    Thank you for your quick response! Much appreciated.



    That would be great (if it were added to BP core).

    Re my backup issues I have sent it off to my Systems Admin. He’s a genius at this kind of thing.

    Thank you again so very, very much for all your help!



    Thank you for the suggestion. I deactivated the XProfile plugin first and ran the backup job – still had the error, so I deactivated the BuddyPress plugin and ran the backup job again. I still have the error. I guess I’m going to have to look into this further.

    One thing I did notice when I deactivated the XProfile plugin, I retained all my current extra fields. The only one I had a problem with is birthdate. It used to show age, not birthdate. Perhaps there is a plugin that will deal with just this issue. I’ll have to look around.

    Thank you again for all your excellent help. I really appreciate it!!!!



    Yes, I think it is the same issue as the one I originally wrote about re XProfile Custom Fields showing an error on my dashboard.

    I got the notification on the dashboard first, then I saw that my backups also had problems. I think both are related to the same plugin.

    Your solution helped with the dashboard issue. It is no longer showing.



    Oh no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that your changes caused it.

    This backup error happened before I made the changes.

    Your changes helped me very much!



    Wow! That puts me in a real pickle, but at least I know now. Thank you so much!

    I’ll talk to my coder about it.



    Is anyone likely to update BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Fields?



    It happens when I run BackWPup. There are no line numbers. It shows up in the logs as follows.

    [18-May-2018 09:49:33] Database backup done!
    [18-May-2018 09:49:33] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
    [18-May-2018 09:49:36] Check WP Export file …
    [18-May-2018 09:49:36] WP Export file is a valid WXR file.
    [18-May-2018 09:49:36] Compressing file …
    [18-May-2018 09:49:36] Compressing done.
    [18-May-2018 09:49:36] ERROR: Call to a member function close() on null



    Wonderful! Thank you so much Varun! Much appreciated!



    No, there is no redirect. It is just a link in the login box.

    See screenshot at



    My coder gave me the following information. It works for me. If it doesn’t work for you, I’m sorry but I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not a coder.


    Create a simple shortcode by adding the following in child-theme’s functions.php file

    add_shortcode( 'bp_user_profile_link', 'bp_user_profile_link_shortcode');
    function bp_user_profile_link_shortcode( $atts ){
    	$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
    		'text'		=> 'Profile',
    		'target'  => ''
    	), $atts );
    	if( !is_user_logged_in() )
    		return '';
    	$target_link = bp_loggedin_user_domain();
    	switch( $atts['target'] ){
    		case 'settings' : $target_link .= 'settings/'; break;
    		case 'profile'  : $target_link .= 'profile/'; break;
    		case 'edit_profile'  : $target_link .= 'profile/edit/'; break;
    	return "<a href='" . $target_link . "'>" . $atts['text'] . "</a>";  }

    Now this gives you the chance to choose which profile link you want to target. So

    1) For the main member page (activity) use the following shortcode:
    [bp_user_profile_link text=”Profile” ]

    2) For the View Profile page
    [bp_user_profile_link text=”View My Profile” target=”profile”]

    3) For the Edit Profile page
    [bp_user_profile_link text=”Edit My Profile” target=”edit_profile”]

    CUSTOM MENU URL (this may be very specific to my website. I don’t know.

    Edit Profile:–sububsername–/profile/edit/group/1/

    Hope this helps.



    Thank you so much Henry. I have done as you suggest. Much appreciated!



    Thank you. I wrote to the support forums several days ago but nobody has replied. I will try to find the author.



    Thank you but it still doesn’t work. I appreciate you trying though. Thank you again.



    Thank you. I put the code in bp-custom.php but it didn’t work.

    I don’t know how to hook to wp instead of init.



    Thank you for your response. I tried adding it to the bp-core-filters.php file but it didn’t help. I also tried adding it as an mu-plugin, and also in my child-theme functions.php file, but none of them fixed the problem.

    Where exactly should I be adding this code please.



    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Yes BP is network activated, but I modified the code as you suggested and it fixed the problem!

    I’ve been trying to get this resolved for months. Thank you so much!



    Network Super Admin



    I know that seems like a logical suggestion but please know that, in addition to all the above, I have cleared browser and wp-rocket history and cache, and have reinstalled a fresh download of buddypress.



    It either goes completely blank or it says error.

    I have now removed my bp-custom.php file and some of the content in my functions.php and now when I register the process completes but you can’t login. The page just never loads.



    This is just great! Many thanks for the workaround. It solves my problem.

    Much appreciated!!!



    This is a perfect solution. Thank you!

    Now, just one more thing. It says “This field can be seen by: All Members”

    How do I change that to “Only Me”?



    Oh my, that would be wonderful! Thank you!



    Gosh I love how you folks are trying to help me. I really do appreciate it. Unfortunately this code just gives me the spinning ball too. We never get logged in.

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