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  • @mabellaneda



    is there anything new about this feature?




    I’m suffering a lot of issues too with the translation into Spanish, in such a way that I had to patch it several times after trying different configurations.

    So! To the point. It works for me now and I explain here my current configuration:

    1. I’ve downloaded the BuddyPress translation package from and contributed with some translations (specifically for Spanish:

    2. Saved the .mo and .po files in /wp-content/languages/plugins as recommended by the Moderators:
    And configured the site in Spanish (particularly I tried to do it dinamically)

    3. Becuase I try to change the language dinamically according to the browser preferred language I use the xili-language plugin, which “helps” you to manage in what language you’ll display your WordPress, but I’m no sure if it is decisive for the BuddyPress translation. In this plugin there’s a configuration to mention and not enough documented. In case you use the plugn, in the tub “Settings for expert” there are rules to specify. My configuration is:
    Wordress rule –> translation in local
    BuddyPress rule –> no modification

    5. At this point the translation didn’t work correctly or I didn’t succeed in translating some strings that remained in English (like: “Members”, “Groups”, “Notifications”, “Activity” in the BuddyPress navigation menu and others). So, I edited the .po file with PoEdit and updated it with the BuddyPress catalog “buddypress.pot”:

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

    6. I updoaded the modified .po and .mo files to the mentioned folder /wp-content/languages/plugins and didn’t change a thing. I read then in forums the different issues with translations, for example: (here there’s another workaround)

    7. And I added the following lines to the file functions.php of my child theme:

    function igf_my_child_theme_setup() {
    load_child_theme_textdomain( ‘my_child_theme’, get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/languages’ );
    load_plugin_textdomain(‘buddypress’, false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . ‘/languages/’ );
    add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘igf_my_child_theme_setup’ );

    And it begans to translate correctly! I’m sorry I really don’t understand why. Furthermore I thought that the buddypress textdomain was set by the plugin xili-language but, as I said, I’m not clever enough or it is not well documented.

    I know there’s a lot of steps to do, I was really frustated with it, but if you try something like this

    Anyway, as this is my first post, I have to thank to the developers for the software and the great effort, of course; it has helped me a lot too.


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