12 years ago
Why do you think? I got this site after my predecessor, so I wasn’t involved in the decision process. The BP v1.5.2 is out of date (I know that there is newer version)? Or just this combination of these two verions isn’t good?
Find out. It was interfering plugin.
I resolved it finally. I was one interfering plugin. Takes me whole day to find out this.
I found out,that this is probably handling in the class WP_Users in _put_user( $args = null ). But I couldn’t find where is the problem.
if ( $ID ) { $db_return = $this->db->update( $this->db->users, compact( $fields ), compact('ID') ); } else { $db_return = $this->db->insert( $this->db->users, compact( $fields ) ); $ID = $this->db->insert_id; }
I guess that this stores all the data in DB.Found nothing wrong.