Alternately, can you tell me how you got the blog listing on your CUNY site to show, at the very least, the avatar of the most recent poster instead of the admin avatar?
bump-ing this. Am I missing something here? I just want the blogs page, which lists all the group blogs, to show the avatar of the group and not my avatar (I created all the groups). It doesn’t seem like it should be that difficult.
Please let me know if there is a workaround for this.
I’d like to be able to display the group avatar as well (instead of the individual poster’s avatar). If that’s not possible, can an avatar be assigned to a blog and then just use that? What is the blog avatar you refer to? I could not find that option in my group blogs.
I’m looking for the same thing. Any response to this yet? WPMU is overkill for what I need, but I do want to limit people who can register to a single domain. Can I just hardcode that in somewhere?