I’m looking for the same, I have a table or a list with firstname, lastname and email. Now I want to import this list to WordPress/BuddyPress and WP/BP sends every one of these new users a welcome email with their random generated password… Is that possible? I have tried a couple user import plugin… but none of them worked really well.
I know these posts are really old, but does this still work? I’m not quite sure how I really have to do it?
So can maybe someone help me with it please?
I want to hide the username field, and would like to auto-generate the username based on the normal “Name” field in BuddyPress.
So that WP and BP automatically take the first and last name out of the “Name” field. e.g. Name field input: George Smith username: georgesmith
I already have the plugin activated that user can login with their email address.
I know that this topic is old… but I just watched that video again… its a great design! Does anyone would like to make a theme for buddypress in this style out of it?
Or does anyone know how to get round corners on the images and avatars?