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Forum Replies Created

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  • marcono


    No one!? 🙁



    Another thing:
    I used bpfr_filtering_activity( $retval ){ $retval1['action'] ='activity_update'; and filtered my activity for only updates. But then I noticed if someone mentions me in a forum, I will receive a notification of course but I cannot see that mention in ‘activity-mentions’.
    I tried to add another filter, to also include mentions coming from forums and not only from updates, but I could not succeed. This is why I sent the above question.
    So if I can solve this problem instead of the above question, it will be OK.



    Just to clarify, with define( ‘BP_GROUPS_DEFAULT_EXTENSION’, ‘members’ ) the landing tab of the groups actually will not be changed (at least for me). What changes is the tab u will be directed to when u click on the group’s icon!?



    Thx *danbp*
    With define( ‘BP_GROUPS_DEFAULT_EXTENSION’, ‘members’ ); the default tab for all groups (private and public) DOES change.
    But if the user is not a member of a private group, he cannot see the group’s page to request a membership. However, if the user is already a member of private group, of course everything is OK and the default tab is changed as the same as the public groups.
    If I don’t remove ‘home’ tab in the group pages, then everything is fine though!



    Thank you *danbp*, a lot!

    Yes I wanted to do it for all group. define( 'BP_GROUPS_DEFAULT_EXTENSION', 'members' ); works perfectly. But, not for private groups, i.e. if you click on the group which is private, it will not be available.



    Thx *danbp* I REALLY appreciate your help.
    I’m a mech. eng. and started 1 week with wordpress, so u can guess how much I know about wordpress! Yet, of course when I used the code ‘define(‘BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT’, ‘profile’ )’ for group default, I changed ‘profile’ to something else 🙂
    btw, this code ‘define(‘BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT’, ‘profile’ )’ worked for me and my default tab in user profile is ‘Profile’ now.

    But concerning the code above (your post above) for changing the group’s default tab, it does not work obviously, and still I see the page is not available?
    Not to mention, I used the function above (ur post above) before functions which change the name of Forum, etc. Exactly at the top of ‘bp-custom.php’.



    ‘danbp’ your codes work great!
    One thing, though, since I removed the ‘home’ item in groups, now if I create a private group or click on a public group icon, the group page will not be available!
    I think it is because the ‘home’ item has remained as the default page for the group pages!? I changed my profile default page with ‘define(‘BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT’, ‘profile’ );’ but it seems for changing group default tab story is different, so I used code suggested here:

    But still no success!?



    danbp, I learned from you a lot today! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME HELPING ME!
    I know it is not related to topic directly, but could you give a hint about changing the name of ‘Forum’ and ‘Group’ in user profile and ‘Forum’ on the group page!?



    I exactly aimed to remove (setting-profile visibility) from user menu for all users.



    Thx again danbp!
    But please note, I do not want to change the group menu.
    I am still talking about the user menu. I want to delete some sub-folders from user menu not just to be hidden from the visitors.



    ***danbp***, THANK YOU SO MUCH! It worked.

    If I want to remove a sub menu, but this time globally for all the users, I should add the command right after above function before any of the conditions!? For instance:

    function bpex_hide_profile_menu_tabs() {
    bp_core_remove_subnav_item( ‘groups’, ‘Invitation’ );

    But it does not work obviously in this manner?



    First of all this seems not working for me! Nothing happens at all!
    Secondly, I don’t want to just hide, rather completely restrict other users to see the menu items of other users when they visit their profile except some of the items.
    Exactly like the ‘Messages’ and ‘Setting’ items; as they are only accessible for profile owner not for the other visitors.
    Could someone help me with this?

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