14 years, 10 months ago
Hello Jay. No, I’m using other host company and the GD lib is working fine. If do you have some solution for this issue, plese reply this topic.
I will try a debug, I really don’t what is this problem. Why sometimes works and sometimes not work.
Paul. It always return the default avatar. How can I solve this problem?
Thanks Paul. So, how can I get the user avatar? How WordPress link the userwith the avatar if is not sotred on database? Thanks.
Any solution?
Comment list from a post. So, how can I see where the avarts is located in database? In the uploads folder I see the cropped. The option show avatar is enabled. Thanks!
14 years, 11 months ago
Really thnaks Brajesh. Works fine!
Thanks Ray, I will contact Andrea. Rgauny, it’s not the same problem. Sorry.
Yes. I have multiple blogs and each blog needs a separted profile, because each blog has a different contents. Is that possible? Thanks again!
Thanks for the fast reply Ray. I can’t use more than one register page?