12 years, 6 months ago
Thanks again.
That worked perfect. Thanks you for your patience and expertise.
Thanks for the reply. Sorry for the delay.
This is what I pasted. ul#members-list span.activity { display:none !important; }
I pasted it to both the editor-style-rtl.css and the editor-style.css
the path: http://www.theinternationalrealestatemastermindassociation.com/members/wp-admin/theme-editor.php?file=editor-style.css&theme=bp-default Is this correct? Do you need the login to get to this page?
I am referring to the activity bubble that reads. active 1 minute ago. And it is in the Members Directory. I have added the code to the css with no result.
Thanks naijaping. Unfortunately that didn’t do it. Here are the style sheets available to me.
style.css editor-style-rtl.css editor-style.css rtl.css I put it in both the editor-style-rtl.css and the style.css am I missing something?
Thank you for your reply. I am using the BuddyPress default theme.
Where would you place that snippet?