8 years, 2 months ago
For the record, this works.
<?php $userid = bp_loggedin_user_id(); ?> <a href="<?php bp_loggedin_user_domain() ?>">Bonjour, <?php bp_get_user_firstname ( bp_get_loggedin_user_fullname ( $userid ) ) ?></a>
Hope it could help someone. 🙂
This seems to work :
$userid = bp_loggedin_user_id(); echo bp_get_user_firstname ( bp_get_loggedin_user_fullname ( $userid ) )
Is it a correct way to do so ?
Now, what if I want to link this name to the user profile ?
Any help would be much appreciated ! Thanks ! 🙂
With this :
$userid = bp_loggedin_user_id(); echo bp_core_get_user_displayname( $userid )
I can have the full name. Now I try to find the user firstname.