I’ve managed to work around this by using the bp_get_activity_content_body filter.
However I’m sure I should be able to use bp_before_activity_add_parse_args, as the newly created custom post id exists at that point in the secondary_item_id array key…
/* functions to pull content into activity feed from post */
function record_cpt_activity_content( $cpt ) {
// get_post_title($cpt['secondary_item_id']) works.
// get_post_meta($cpt['secondary_item_id'], 'YOUR_META_KEY_HERE', true) doesn't...
if ('YOUR_CUSTOM_POST_TYPE' == $cpt['type']) {
// need to add at least a space here to the content otherwise the filter bp_get_activity_content_body doesn't seem to work...
$cpt['content'] = ' ';
return $cpt;
add_filter('bp_before_activity_add_parse_args', 'record_cpt_activity_content');
function filter_cpt_activity_content( $content, $activity ) {
if ( isset( $activity->secondary_item_id ) && 'YOUR_CUSTOM_POST_TYPE' == $activity->type) {
$current_post = $activity->secondary_item_id;
// trim any white space added by record_cpt_activity_content()
$content = trim($content);
// add in our custom content
$content .= get_post_meta($current_post, 'YOUR_META_KEY_HERE', true).'">';
return $content;
add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content_body', 'filter_cpt_activity_content', 1, 2 );