migraine. posted on the forum topic possible bug? in the group BP Group Hierarchy: 14 years ago
any followup on this? i am also having the very same problem with an empty slug..
nice plugin! thank you for creating this.
migraine. joined the group BP Group Hierarchy 14 years ago
migraine. posted on the forum topic Categories on a BuddyPress Group Forum in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
ok thanks man, really appreciate it. btw have you used this? what’s it like? are there (buddydev) support great?
anyone who have used josemv’s recommendation? anyone ? no one? please help me……. help……….. waaaah…….. 😉
migraine. posted on the forum topic plugin for groups – subgroups on groups (parent-child hierarchy) in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
mods… please help… dot dot dit dot dot dit………
migraine. posted on the forum topic Categories on a BuddyPress Group Forum in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
anyone knows? please……….. help me……. . . .. … …
migraine. started the forum topic plugin for groups – subgroups on groups (parent-child hierarchy) in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
I’ve already tested BP Group Hierarchy, but got these questions… 1. would like to hear from someone who just used that in a production environment, any feedbacks? 2. what other plugins can you recommend aside from BP Group Hierarchy that is used widely? 3. are there any HYBRID buddypress outhere? i mean any developers who […]
migraine. started the forum topic Categories on a BuddyPress Group Forum in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
Hello Guys,
is there any plugin which supports categories/subforums for the group forum of a group?
migraine. joined the group Creating & Extending 14 years ago
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