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  • @mikek


    Deactivated theme pack and BP, but haven’t removed the folders yet….all seems normal on front end, but back end still has the members index showing up as my main index.

    I did the theme check and frankly it had more warnings (if I remember correctly, it was mostly warnings, not requirements) than I had time to even read up to understand them all. For the sake of giving it a shot before pulling the plug on the project, I pressed forward with the theme pack, but obviously that is too many modifications for me to learn about and complete over the coming weeks as I can’t devote enough time to it.

    If I just used BBpress forums for now…would I encounter similar issues?



    Finding numerous theme issues, may be in over my head with the amount of time it will take to fix them all let alone figuring out how to fix them all first.



    Ok this is odd, but I found more to add to the above. Hopefully this is common and you know the way to fix it.

    In my editor, when I click on main index.php, it is supposed to show me my main page template. Instead, it is showing me all BP member code. I looked in the address and it has this code between “main” and “index” ……. members%2F

    So obviously I deleted that part in the address and then it took me to my correct main index page BUT that page is not listed on the right side where it should be. Example: If you are in your main index.php….the right side will highlight main index.php as you are viewing it. In this case, it shows up as my main index code, but it is nowhere to be seen on the right side.

    Hopefully this is common so my gibberish makes sense, ha



    A confusing part of my theme editor. main index.php is now all buddypress code that seemingly has no residual code from my index before BP. However, my main page is still like my normal main page minus the avatar issue listed above. So if I want to modify my main page code, where do I go for that if it is not the main index.php?



    Making progress finally. It moved the files successfully and the layout seems fine except for 1 problem I have found so far. The problem is in regards to avatars for the authors. Unless you see more problems on your end?

    I have an avatar plugin that allows me to upload pictures to my photobucket then link them to my avatar(s) for more clear pictures. This is also used because it’s easy to modify for all the authors on my site (as the admin, I want control of that). However, this change seems to put me into gravatar only. How can I change that back to putting my photobucket links in for each author? If you look at page 2 where my recent article is, my gravatar is blurry until you hover over it, then it is clear. Further reason I’d like to not use gravatar for authors.

    Any recommendations?



    FYI, it doesn’t appear the template pack is compatible with 3.3….does not even have a BP Compatibility section at all after installing and activating the plugin



    Just doublechecking….is is this Theme Check Plugin? The one last updated in August before 3.3?



    Much appreciated….will toy with it this week.



    Thanks mercime. Before I go through the process of the theme pack plugin, does it have a “back to original” feature or anything? Basically, if I make changes to preview, can I go back to scratch at any point (my hacked theme as of before installing the plugin) without saving any of the changes? The walk-thru you pointed to didn’t really cover that (unless I’m blind) and in case something goes wrong, I’d like to know ahead of time how to bring myself back to normal.

    Worst case, just a complete backup that export from wordpress right before I add the template plugin?

    Thanks again

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