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  • @mirgcire


    I managed to fix the “site has no members” issue by doing two things.

    First, I installed the plugin “BuddyPress Automatic Friends” and made the admin an automatic friend to anyone who registers. Then I registered a new user. Suddenly there are 3 members (as opposed to zero before). Is 3 the magic threshold? If I had registered the 2nd user before installing the plugin, I might have been able to answer this.

    Having overcome this hurtle I was able to return to my original goal of inviting someone to a group. What I discovered is painfully inefficient.

    In order for a visitor to become a member of a group the following steps must occur:

    1) The visitor must register (no complaint here)
    2) The new user must be a friend of the group owner (a plugin is necessary for this)
    3) The new user then requests membership
    4) The group owner sends an invitation
    5) The the new user then accepts the invitation

    Each of the steps may include a log in process as well as navigation of a less-than-intuitive user profile interface. It would take a very patient and motivated visitor to survive this process.

    It would be nice if the process looked more like:

    1) Register as a new user.
    2) Select the class you want to take.
    3) Pay your money (or submit promotion code)
    4) Gain access to the class
    5) Start participating

    Maybe there are themes and/or plugins that could help.
    Hope I don’t have to write it all myself.

    Looking forward to comments, feedback or suggestions.




    I finally created a buddypress installation where strangers can become members. It turns out that you must have “Anyone can register” enabled WHEN YOU ACTIVATE BUDDYPRESS. Just a minor detail which only took me a few days of my undivided attention to discover. Well, actually I was distracted a little my a mysql db corruption which required a complete wp re-install.

    However, even though strangers can now register, they are still not “members”. When I try to add a friend, I am told that the site has no members. My site has two users: the admin, and the stranger. But when I log in as either one, bp/wp consistently claims there are no members.

    If anyone can shed some light on how to become a “member” of my own web site I would much appreciate it. Thanks!




    Thanks for the suggestions, but, those manuals did not help. They did give me lots of things to divert my attention when I should have been working on solving this issue.

    I am still trying to add someone to a group.

    It seems there are two ways people can become users of a site, the first is to have the admin register them with “add user” and the other way is to allow them to self register. Currently I am exploring self registration, but still haven’t figured out what role buddypress plays in the registration process.



    So far I haven’t figured out how to get the plugin to work.

    I also can’t figure out how view friends, or send them an invitation … or anything.

    It would be nice to see a step by step process that explains how to add someone to a group, including any required pre-steps like finding the user, friending the user and sending them an invite.

    Hoping for help …



    I found this plugin: BuddyPress Automatic Friends
    Seems to be just what I am looking for. I’ll give it a try



    Hi bp-help, Thanks for all the great advice you are offering today.

    However, the site I am building doesn’t easily conform to the friend model.
    I am trying to build a platform for hosting classes.
    After becoming site members, Student will register for a class.
    When they register for a class they should automatically can be come a member of the class (which is actually a group).

    Would it be possible to hook the site registration process and automatically make the students friends of the admin?

    Can you make any suggestion to me about how to do this?




    Me again ….

    Finally I get it. The Settings > Forum page has a section called “Buddy Press Integration”.

    I was going to Setting > BuddyPress and looking for forums (shesh)



    Hi bp-help,

    I checked out the page you mentioned.
    Specifically, I want groups to have their own forums.

    So I jumped to the section labeled “Set up Group Forums only”

    Where I found this instruction:

    3. Go to admin dashboard menu Settings > Forums to configure Forum Settings
    BuddyPress -> Enable Group Forums: Check “Allow BuddyPress Groups to have their own forums”

    I looked in menu settings and buddypress settings, but found nothing relating to forums, so either the documentation is incorrect or my installation is messed up.



    Hi ubernaut,

    Thanks for the response. You told me exactly what I needed to know. I really appreciate that!
    It is to bad the doc’s don’t clarify this detail because I am sure I am not the only one puzzled by it.

    Anyway, I have no problem accessing or modifying my core files, so I should be good to go.


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