Okay, so searching that GitHub repo there is only one file under the bp-themes/bp-legacy/buddypress folders which mentions bp_core_fetch_avatar() (but lots within the core BuddyPress code. So I just need to replace the reference in that one file and add it to by child theme under a BuddyPress folder and it should work?
So I’m checking the theme files and not the BuddyPress files? How would it be referenced in the theme files. Sorry – bit of a beginner with this and appreciate your help 🙂
I’m not entirely sure that my front-end template actually references bp_core_fetch_avatar() as it is not a BuddyPress theme but rather a regular WordPress theme (Responsive Pro).
Thanks for the reply. I checked out that plug-in and it just removes the avatar from displaying on the BuddyPress profile – it still actually retains the ‘Mystery Man’ style avatar as opposed to using the one set in WordPress.