nanchante posted on the forum topic Speeding up buddypress in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
thanks a lot.
nanchante posted on the forum topic Speeding up buddypress in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
ok, good to know. So exactly what does database caching do? I know it sounds obvious, but what things are cached and what is left purely dynamic? Is it only for logged in or out users? Or both? Sorry for being vague, but again, it would be great if there was a definitive doc on […]
nanchante posted on the forum topic Speeding up buddypress in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
MIhgt be a dumb question, but can someone explain please what relative benefits are between object aching and database caching? What are the downsides too?
We use eAccelerator on our server.
nanchante started the forum topic calling BP functions / widgets OUTSIDE of buddypress in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Hi all, I have seen articles claiming you can call WP functions outside of WP by adding to your non-wp site head. Is it possible to do this with BP? Eg so I show online member avatars on my home page (which is not run using wordpress, but plain old php ? If so, how […]
nanchante joined the group Your Classified Ads 14 years ago
nanchante posted on the forum topic [NEW PLUGIN] Your Classified Ads in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
Thanks for the module, when i try and add a post client side, it does nothing. What have I missed please?
I ceated a “classifieds” page and put the following into the html:
Is this not right?
WP3.1, BP 1.2.8
nanchante joined the group Creating & Extending 14 years ago
nanchante posted on the forum topic Anyone host with VPS.net? Need Cloud hosting in the UK in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years ago
+1 for stormondemand
nanchante posted on the forum topic Any members care to share their achievements table? in the group Achievements: 14 years ago
*bump* ?
nanchante started the forum topic Any members care to share their achievements table? in the group Achievements: 14 years ago
This may not be kosher, but am wondering if anyone would like to share their achievements table sql so I don’t have to create the whole thing from scratch!
Is there a default set up or something I am missing?
nanchante joined the group Achievements 14 years ago
nanchante posted on the forum topic buddypress.org: notifications not working in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
That would be great. BP.org should be a flagship IMHO.
nanchante posted on the forum topic SEO – Buddypress 1.2.8 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
SEO press does work, but make sure you don’t have any other SEO plugins enabled/installed as I found it conflicted and broke.
There is a new version of SEOPress coming soon.
nanchante posted on the forum topic buddypress.org: notifications not working in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
This does my head in.
The community would be sooo much more active if this actually worked.
nanchante posted on the forum topic Get Old Users To Set Location in the group gPress: 14 years ago
how is 0.26 going?
nanchante joined the group gPress 14 years ago
nanchante posted on the forum topic dynamically create new sets of profile fields in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Did this ever get off the ground?
nanchante started the forum topic buddypress.org: notifications not working in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Is it just me? I get no notifications at all, and it’s really frustrating trying to track down posts I have made etc.,.. looking for replies.
Anyone else get this? Fix? Patch? Straight jacket?
nanchante started the forum topic Ability for members to add their own profile fields in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Hi all, is it possible to give the user the ability add their own custom fields to their profile? ie on the frontend? Does anyone know of a plugin to do this? Or a hook or something? Is there some way we can make use of the admin functionality that allows this, and make it […]
nanchante posted on the forum topic Adding multiple profiles per member in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
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