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  • @natb19


    Anton, I haven’t tried it yet, but could we hook onto the user login and then run the code fancyfiber provided above?

    That way all users will have their notification settings set after they have logged in. (not perfect, but it should work!?)



    After playing, I think

    <?php bp_get_template_part( 'members/single/member-header' ); ?>

    maybe better than what I suggested above.



    Ok, so it’s pretty easy if you’re not familiar to buddypress (as I am) to make bad assumptions here. (as I am, and did)


    Your first problem is that in the example, the code is looking for a screen template (plugins.php) in this case that’s not in your template directory. It won’t look for or use any templates in the standard buddypress templates folder (as I assumed) and so you will need to make sure that any templates needed are within the [plugin]templates/[pathtotemplate] path.

    I also assumed that any of these pages would automatically assume the standard buddypress layout and page template, using the supplied template as the content for the page – which was a mistake. What gets served is a vanilla page, using the standard wp header and footer tags (well, if you use the screen-one.php as a template).

    If you want the buddypress profile header add
    <?php locate_template( array( 'buddypress/members/single/member-header.php' ), true ) ?>
    to your template. You can do this for all of the items on your standard bp page, have a look through the other templates in bp as a guide.

    This is not a bad thing, and you can do this stays completely flexible when combined with the standard wp templating. When overriding bp component templates remember to put the [templatepath] file into your theme templates folder, not the theme templates/buddypress folder.

    For example, my ‘Achievements’ summary template (‘achievements/screen-summary’) goes into ‘achievements/screen-summary.php’ in my theme’s template folder.

    Hope this helps, I was confused for a while, but it’s all good now 😉



    This seems to be a problem with how the skeleton component setup is handling the loading of screens:

    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins' ) );

    tries to load a template file within the plugin folder – not (as I think it’s meant to) from the standard BP template folder, or the current themes’ buddypress template (if overridden).

    , any idea how to get the screen page to display in the standard wordpress/buddypress template system, or why it’s not working?

    It’s not something you take and then edit to create a new component.

    It certainly reads like something you take and edit to create a new component!

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