Well, with a bit more Googling I’ve gotten this solved for the most part. I know these pages get indexed so here’s what I did for anyone’s future reference. For this example’s sake I’ll just cover the “Member Since” field.
– Created a copy of profile-loop.php in the appropriate child theme directory for update-safe modification.
– In the child copy of profile-loop.php, right beneath <?php do_action( 'bp_after_profile_field_content' ); ?>, which is inside (and at the bottom) of the ‘if ( bp_profile_group_has_fields())’ if check, I put the following code to output this field for the base group only (assuming the base group has an ID of 1):
And then finally, in my child theme’s functions.php file (this could probably also go in bp-custom.php) I found and pasted this code to define and format the join date: