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  • @nickbaer


    Same if I search on a keyword like “photo” as in photo gallery.

    Viewing plugin 1 to 10 (47 total plugins)

    Only ever see 1-10, page after page.



    There’s quite a few in Plugins > Maps or Member Maps.

    I haven’t examined each – as tonight is my first date with BP.

    Creating a Google Map from user’s address info (I wouldn’t get more specific than post code, unless it is a store front business) is fairly common. I wrote my first Google Map, of my customers, 1 1/2 years ago, and it wasn’t new then.

    I know the first thing I will need to do is modify the user’s profile page to include post code for individuals, street address for store fronts. For what I want to do in BP, I will:

    * Get the user’s post code
    * Then use Google’s free API script to “geocode” the address (convert address to LAT/LNG coordinates) and store in SQL table.
    * Display the Map (in a CSS .div) with a handful of user’s.

    Maps don’t make a lot of sense if they are too big or too over-populated with “Pins”. A “MapLoco” hit counter map is fun to look at with 100s of little dots, but not at all useful in a social networking scenario.

    What I’m going to do with Maps, is use it in a Jobs scenario, for small bands wanting gigs, and venues needing small bands, to find each other, schedule performances or gigs (I hate to use the more accurate word “dates”), book, then have the map for driving directions.

    After all, it is a Google Map, so use the built-in driving directions, with satellite and street view to see the location before going there.




    WIll store offline for future reference..



    Actually, this topic is NOT resolved. I submitted a bug ticket.

    On the 3rd fresh WP install, install Buddy Press plugin, activation steps, Step 4:

    Warning: Illegal offset type in /mounted-storage/home45c/sub001/sc11136/wwwBT/Talent/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/admin/bp-core-update.php on line 642.

    Just staying…



    I’m scared to, because of the aforementioned multiple fatal errors.

    I will ask my host for advice as to which of those fixes I have access to.

    Is there a recommended BP Hosting service, with much of this already fixed ahead of time?



    So, on the 3rd fresh install of WP – no BP yet,

    Before trying BP, went to install BP Columns as the theme.

    Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Name Description
    BP Columns The parent theme is missing. Please install the “bp-default” parent theme.

    How can I do these manual things, if everything is auto install?



    Me too.

    I did a fresh install of WP thru my Host. Updated it to current. Updated the 2011 Theme.

    Went to plugins page and picked and installed BP.

    Got a couple of different fatal Error warnings about a exhausted memory in one or another .php page… then the same White page at /wp-admin.

    Happened on 2 separate fresh installs.

    Scared to try 3rd.

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