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  • @nickpeplow


    Got it working on a regular tab, thanks for all the suggestions!

    Will keep an eye on any changes to the menu in future that might apply to this



    Obviously open to other suggestions 🙂

    Dan, your bp_register_group_extension function from your first response will come in very handy as I can see myself modifying it to restrict the display() page to just admins.



    Thanks to Dan & Shane for both taking a look into my issue! You have both been unexpectedly detailed in your response and its much appreciated

    I think for now, my best option would be to continue with the content being shown on the Display() tab, but with it hidden to those who are not admins (purpose was to allow admins to submit jobs, in the admin backend)

    The reason I’m a bit hesitant to display another page is because its one more thing for me to track, exclude from search etc, plus as it would be outside of the buddypress loop I would not be able to easily include any of the $bp values if required in future (e.g. group name).



    Hi Dan

    Thanks so much for looking into this so promptly, I really appreciate it!

    I have added the code, but am still running into the same issue as the method you are using to create this page is edit –‘edit’ => array(

    It therefore still includes the form action as a wrapper. As the shortcode I’m including (WP Job Manager – Submit Job Listing) has a form in it, im getting a “Are you sure you want to do this?” when submitting that form.

    <form action=”; name=”group-settings-form” id=”group-settings-form” class=”standard-form” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data” role=”main”>

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