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Forum Replies Created

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  • @nickzee


    Blank again @paul gibbs. baffled?…Maybe this guy can help explain

    youtube watch?v=rLDgQg6bq7o
    (Turbo Encabulator)




    The shortcodes were the ticket for me. Back up and running now! My theme would only pull an archived page (even thought is buddypress fitted). Also I could not create a page called “forums” when the forum slug was “forums” in bbpress settings. The page would be automatically slugged, “fourms-2”.

    For not I am not going to delete the bb-config.php and see how it works. So far so good.

    Thank you again Spence labsecrets. Wonderful job. You’re not so evil 😉

    @me9, did this video help you?



    @labsecrets at 3:50. Do I need to completely remove buddypress and reinstall without discussion forum OR can I just turn them off now and that be sufficient and equal to installing without? My original buddypress install was several weeks ago, and with that Discussion Forum was checked. If so, do I need to drop tables or options from the database to make buddypress forget it was ever installed on my site?

    Thank you again Spence. Very concise video instruction. Just what I need.



    Ohhh! An updated video. Thank you Spence ( @labsecrets)! I saw your original video and it helped a lot, but i was still left with confusion (nothing on your part).

    Watching the new one now! Thank you again.



    Codex is back for FF. Thank you!



    All good. I’m just using IE for the time being. Just wanted to let someone know.



    Any success @me9?



    Thank you Paul.

    I don’t have a “page” called “forums”. That is what the forum archive links too.

    I don’t know why, but I am more confused then ever. Perhaps if I share what I want to achieve, someone can tell me how to achieve it.

    I want:
    Forums have to be precedent (and sidebar), like (no archive)
    The ease of use, such as this forum. Ie; Forums divided into subjects and topics in those forums.
    The functionality of buddypress. Ie; user member profiles and such.
    And the two to work together.

    I know this is possible, but wrapping my mind around what settings to disable/enable and what slugs to use or not, are out of my league. Today, I have spent 5+ hours trying to configure, yesterday, at least that many hours or more.

    thank you for the help. Not sure why it’s so difficult to grasp.



    Thank you Paul. I have this same conflict. Understanding the best set up for my situation. My struggle is knowing the difference and how to use them.

    I’m using The Bounce Theme from themeforrest which is buddypress friendly. (

    Can you elaborate a bit more on your last comment? It opened a window of understanding for me.

    My current set up is:
    Settings > Buddypress > Components > Unchecked “Discussion Forums”
    Settings > Forums > Forums base “forums”, Forum slug “forum” (although I would like my own names)
    Settings > Forums > Unchecked “Enable Group Forums”

    From here can you explain how to set a landing page so that it looks like site wide forums (“”)? Ie; can see all forum at once, then enter a forum to see the topics, then enter the topics to see the comments. I can find them if I go to a bbpress forum and click “view” (ie; /forums/forum/forum-rules/) then remove “forum/forum-rules/” to just have “”, but that is not a “page” and cannot be “edited” and by default says, “Forums Archive – mydomain”. ( I think I know this but want to see your way)

    Additionally, if I am at my buddypress profile page (admin) and click “forums”, it takes me to /members/admin/forums/ which seems to be different from /forums/forum/. And when it does it shows topics and not the forums I created in bbpress.

    I’d imagine there is something I have missed.

    Sorry I’m this is confusing. I am so twisted and upside down with this. It’s the best I can do with out showing you.

    Thank you Buddypress for the hard work you have put into your products!



    Thank you!

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