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  • @nlongtin



    I found out what the issue was. It was the varnish cache server which was installed and setup by default when you launch a new server on Rackspace. This caching server apparently breaks a lot of Buddypress. Warning to all! If anyone knows how to configure varnish to work properly with BUiddyPress let me know. Thanks.



    I am having the same problem. After I enter the group name and description and click submit the page goes to the next step but the form does not render.

    I have tried deactivating all plugins, using the twenty fourteen theme, and tried dozens of other fixes people have tried, nothing works. Editing groups works fine, only creating a new group does not work. Once my group is created and I can navigate to the groups list, choose the group I just made and administer it fine.

    WordPress 3.8.1, bbPress 2.5.3, Rackspace virtual cloud hosting, dedicated server.

    Please help!

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