nomad-one replied to the topic No RSS feeds are coming in in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
Thanks @ubernaut for keeping us updated. Most of my feeds are working now with the exception of one. It sounds like generally there’s alot of buggyness across wordpress with regards to feeds and with similar mime type error messages showing not only in Buddypress
nomad-one replied to the topic Buddypress Group Activity RSS Feeds Not Valid Mime Type in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
unfortunately it’s not working, I created a clone of the site, moved the site to a new server, switched off all plugins and used twenty twelve theme, I’m logged in at the site here:
Even when logged in, with the group as a public group, the feeds don’t work
The feeds sometimes work and sometimes don’t work, sometimes…[Read more] -
nomad-one replied to the topic RSS Format within community groups in the forum Requests & Feedback 12 years ago
@ubernaut I’m not sure how I could contribute to be honest as I don’t have the required level of development skills to really make any kind of meaningful contribution. Does Automattic not have some level of involvement in the development needs of Buddypress?
I could contribute financially to get a developer to assist with this specific problem if…[Read more]
nomad-one replied to the topic RSS Format within community groups in the forum Requests & Feedback 12 years ago
sorry @ubernaut, I thought seeing the last reply without any solution was more than a year ago was a really bad sign. We’d only know someone’s working on it if we’re told and I do appreciate the work you guys do.
It is quite frustrating though as much as we know it’s open source software when it’s promoted so positively and then in real world use…[Read more]
nomad-one started the topic Buddypress Group Activity RSS Feeds Not Valid Mime Type in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
I’ve been hunting for 1. more information and 2. hopefully out of that some kind of solution to the issue I’m having with Buddypress Group Specific RSS feeds.
I’m getting the following no matter what I do:
RSS Error: A feed could not be found at http://www.mysite.com/groups/hr/feed/. A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this…[Read more]
nomad-one replied to the topic RSS Format within community groups in the forum Requests & Feedback 12 years ago
doesn’t really seem like this is much of a support forum hey. Posts get ignored for years at a time and some issues seem to still be lingering after long periods of time like the RSS for groups issues
nomad-one replied to the topic Groups Activity RSS Feed Broken in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
For further reference this is the error I get with group feeds
RSS Error: A feed could not be found at http://mysite.com/groups/groupname/feed/. A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed.
nomad-one replied to the topic Groups Activity RSS Feed Broken in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
I’m having same problem, driving me absolutely nutty and hardly a thin gout there about how to fix it. I’m quite desperate for a solution. My feeds from my buddypress install work on other sites outside of buddypress, sometimes
it seems to change all the time
Additionally sometimes when adding the feed url wordpress adds in /activity/ into the…[Read more]
Active 3 years, 11 months ago