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  • @nsbp001


    So you want to have multi-site, with multi-domains, i.e., you will have users on sites with different domains, all sharing the same database; but you want an Activity stream for just sites that use a particular domain.

    Off hand, one way is to make a home site for each domain, then make sure that site is Following all other sites that use that domain. Then that home site will have something like …/members/domainhomesite/activity/following.

    Maybe you don’t necessarily need a domainhomesite, just a user, say followdomainusers, whose purpose is to follow all users on the domain; then the Activity stream could be …/members/followdomainusers/activity/following.



    When this code is put into the theme’s functions.php file

    function multiple_bp_domain($domain) {

    return get_bloginfo( ‘url’ );


    add_filter(‘bp_get_root_domain’, ‘multiple_bp_domain’);

    the result is that the siteURL replaces the main site URL



    I have 4 separate WP 3.5.1 and BP 1.6.4 installations. I have connected them via the CUSTOM_USER_TABLE CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE’ lines in the wp-config.php file. I have also installed the WP Orphan plugin.

    When a person goes to one installation to register they will be given a user account and a blog site. When they go to one of the other installations they are there as a user but not having a site. In the admin listing of users, they are listed as a user in the ‘/’ (or admin) site, presumably as Subscriber role.

    If I wanted the user to have sites the other installations as well being users what would I have to do then? Would I change the role to ‘Editor’ in the Orphan plugin, or is there another database that I would have to share?



    In a BP installation (sitting on top Multisite WP) is there a difference in terms of Role between an extra user on a site, and user that has their own site?



    I could get neither the BP-Multi-network nor the Networks+ plugins to work. Maybe it was because I was also trying to use the WPMUDEV Multi-domain plugin as well. I needed the latter because I wanted to be able to make new users on the respective networks while preserving the URL branding of each network. And I was doing that using subdirectories instead of subdomains, since I wanted Facebook-like branding, i.e., (a la Turns out the Multi-domain plugin does not work with subdirectories, and I could not get a good read on what it would take to make it work.

    So I hope it works that separate installations but editing wp-config.php such that they all share the same user and user meta database works.

    I hope a BP core or plugin developer will comment on what other dependencies would be necessary to make to achieve my objectives.



    Such an app would be very nice indeed.



    I think I may have found a solution to the multi-network problem that is pretty simple. It is to make multiple WP+BP installations but to use this trick,

    to share users. So you will have N installations but all using the same user database. Has anybody every tried this for BP?



    I am interested in this thread. I would like to have 3 BP networks with three separate brands and three separate URLs, but them all using the same database. That is, a user signed up in site3 can see, group with, friend, email, etc a user in site 1 seamlessly.

    So site1 would be and typing in that URL gets you to a page where you see a a theme and branding specific to Site2 would be and likewise going to that site you would see a theme and branding specific to, and likewise for site3.

    The independent branding is important, but the ability to have cross site networking is important as well.

    On solution I thought of is the following:

    Set up BP network with users and Then use the Domain Mapping plugin to map to and to

    Then I would want to continue to be able to make new users like and

    Or is this all possible using the Multi-domains plugin?

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