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  • @omgbud



    I am using this plugin for my test wp blog, it works great.




    Hi, you should be able to the edit the css font size in your theme css file by searching for this:




    @bphelp the file is gone?




    open up this file sidebar.php. can be found at buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/sidebar.php

    around line 33, you can see this line:

    `if ( is_user_logged_in() ) :`

    This is the start of sidebar login widget box and below you can see line with the words “Please create an account to get started.”. If you do not want those words appear delete this line around line 37:

    `printf( __( ‘Please create an account to get started.’, ‘buddypress’ ), bp_get_signup_page() );`

    Just below the line above you can remove the login form and replace your subscription form or whatever.

    Hope it helps.




    Hi, I am using this useful plugin named “Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress” to remove link of any fields I want.

    This plugin dont come with admin panel, so need to edit the custom-profile-filters-for-buddypress.php file.

    After this line:
    `$no_link_fields = array( // Enter the field ID of any field that you want to appear as plain, non-clickable text. Don’t forget to separate with commas.`

    You can add in the field (field name must match) that need to be linkless:
    ‘something’ ,`

    This plugin allows you to setup social field too like just enter facebook username or id and it will auto generate the url.

    Note: this plugin is old and not update, there is an error with the social field url, but just need to apply this fixed:

    Hope it helps.




    this is a code I use personally, but requires you to edit the bp-groups-actions.php, sorry i do not know how to write function.

    open buddypress/bp-groups/bp-groups-actions.php

    around line 150

    After this line:
    `do_action( ‘groups_group_create_complete’, $bp->groups->new_group_id );`

    Add this code:
    $name= bp_core_get_username(bp_loggedin_user_id());
    $groupname = bp_get_new_group_name(bp_get_new_group_id());
    $groupurl = bp_get_group_permalink( $bp->groups->current_group );
    $subject = “$name created new group $groupname”;
    $body = “$name created new group $groupname, visit $groupurl”;
    mail($to, $subject, $body);

    That’s it, when a user hit the Finish create group button this code will send to the email stated address with the newly created group link. use at your own risk. Hope someone better can create a theme function or a plugin for this.

    This is needed to keep track of newly created groups to alert you if spammers are creating groups to spam.

    Hope it helps.



    Add those secondary group fields you need to the base group so it will shows up on the registration page?



    Yes, I have this problem also, members visibility set as friends only, search result still list them out with the right keyword.



    Hey try use this plugin Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin, is good and is aggressive. It can check for too fast registration (bot filled up those field fast), HTTP_REFERER, disposable email address and much more…

    Most of them hunt for your register page slug /register/, try to noindex this page or change the slug.



    Oh is ok 🙂 thanks for help anyway, I just want to check whether the profile has any privacy setting and than display a lock pic to show other this is a private profile.



    @Chouf1 thank you I found the data in wp-usermeta, now I have problem retrieving it, not usual data..

    in meta_key: bp_xprofile_visibility_levels

    in meta_value:

    53 is userid
    1,7 is the field number
    6,7 is the visibility_levels

    So how can I retrieve the data (public or friend) if I want field no.7 from this useid 53.



    Hi Chouf1,

    search many times there on all xprofile, couldn’t find any clue about the privacy settings for each user.



    Hey, I use this code below will get good quality thumbs. But I edit the core file topic.php to make this works. define avatar size not working on mine.

    `bp_the_topic_post_poster_avatar( ‘type=full&width=80&height=80’ ); `



    Oh I solved this with, modified the topic.php. Don’t mind editing the core files.:

    echo date (‘M d, Y, g:i a ‘, strtotime(bp_get_the_topic_post_time_since()));

    Thanks for the help Chouf1!



    Hey Chouf1,

    thank you for replying, this code works partially, it only get the LAST topic replied post date and time and display all the same date and time throughout the rest of the replies for that topic. Any helps? Thanks again.

    `function my_topic_date_ouput () {

    global $forum_template;
    echo date (‘M d, Y, g:i a ‘, strtotime($forum_template->topic->topic_time));

    add_filter( ‘bp_get_the_topic_post_time_since’, ‘my_topic_date_ouput’ );`

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