15 years, 2 months ago
hello, i had same problem on buddypress plug in too.
this is how I solved the problem.
1. php.ini
open php.ini , around line 1110 theres codes following.
; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: “sendmail -t -i”).
; http://php.net/sendmail-path
;sendmail_path = “”xamppsendmailsendmail.exe” -t”
change only 3rd line
sendmail_path = “”xamppsendmailsendmail.exe” -t”
yes, it says unix only but it worked on my server (windows XP).
and reboot Xampp or apache and try it.
If you ste up xampp and still have problem try this out too.
2. deactivate mailserver “Mercury”, and install another mailserver.
I changed mailserver to ArGoSoft Mail Server.
you just need to set up only DNS server (router side) , your domain and user account.
it was very easy even for me. so try it out!