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  • @pachoolee


    That makes sense. Thanks!



    Crosswider, I fixed mine.
    I also don’t have a BP theme, I used the BP template pack plugin.
    I read where this image cropping issue often happens with a plugin conflict.
    So, I first deactivated all my plugins (except BP), and voila! the crop worked.
    I then systematically reactivated the plugins until I found the culprit.
    In my case, it was the BP mobile plugin. It was an easy fix in my case, b/c BP mobile had an option to “lazy load images”, which loaded a conflicting jquery file. I just unchecked the option and everything worked fine.
    I hope you can use this method to find your culprit too.



    crosswider,, I feel your pain…
    I can’t get the crop tool to work either.
    I have the template pack installed, and followed all the instructions to a tee (which is the fix I saw recommended.)
    Everything else works pretty well.

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