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  • @panicky


    And I resolved it simply.

    Just add

    #buddypress table.profile-fields p {
    	margin-top: 10px !important;
    	margin-bottom: 10px !important;

    or the kind of margin you want, to a custom css, and voíla!



    And now I find that this is a known and ticketed bug in the Mulitline-textbox xprofile function. Last updated 3 months ago. Why does buddypress have a multiline-textboxfield at all if the issue is so hard to resolve?

    No wonder the wpautop breaks the profile.

    Anyway. Is there a way around this? any fixes or anything that can make the multiline field recognize br tags instead of ignoring them?




    Did you ever solve this?

    I’m having the same issue and no one is responding at all… 🙁



    Forgot to link to the page I’m talking about!

    Is there maybe a way to create a function instead of using wpautop?
    Thank you!



    After 3 intense days I finally figured it out. Edit the home.php located in bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members and some css.



    Anyone that can point me in the right direction, please?



    It is this filter that causes the paragraph tag to force itself into the profilename:

    add_filter( 'xprofile_get_field_data', 'wpautop' ); located in the bp-xprofile directory.

    When I remove it everything is normal, but if I do them the bio-field that I have in members-header won’t have any line breaks at all.

    What can I do to compromise? Is there another filtervalue I can use?

    I’, sorry if this a bit jumbled up, but I’m sick as a dog this week…



    Nobody tha can help me here?

    Is it a filter or similar that is acting up? And if that’s the case, which filter file could it be?



    I tried that, but when I do I get a 404 error, and when I try to move around the members tabs I get redirected to the 404 error all the time…

    What am I doing wrong?



    (sorry for the double-topic.. what happened?)



    Thank you!!



    I want to do the same thing with a little bio next to the avatar.

    So where do I start? I’m really new at this, not a developer, but I’ve managed to create a site with modifications after all.

    I want the “bio” field to be limited to 850 characters with a counter. Where do I make the changes and where do I add the function/javascript that is mentioned above?

    Thank you in advance, I’d be very grateful for serious answers, not just hints to the documentation pages.



    Sorry for the ambiguous answer, I was in a bit of a hurry.
    I was searching in the wrong folders: bp-themess/bp-default/buddypress/members/single, so that’s why nothing happened when I was modifying things. But I’m all up and running now! Thank you!



    Thank you! I was digging around in the bp-themes folders and nothing happenes…



    3 years later, and with ByddyPress 2.0, how should I relate to this post?

    I can’t seem to find the folders that are described here…
    CAn someone point me in the right direction?

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