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  • @partytrotter


    @bphelp, thanks a lot for the help, but I tried adding that line and it didn’t do much :S Here is what my code looks like without the line, where should I add it? Also, just to be sure I am modifying the right file, i took the members-loop.php in the folder of the current theme I am using, is that correct?


    * BuddyPress – Members Loop
    * Querystring is set via AJAX in _inc/ajax.php – bp_dtheme_object_filter()
    * @package BuddyPress
    * @subpackage bp-default


    <?php do_action( ‘bp_before_members_loop’ ); ?>

    <?php if ( bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( ‘members’ ) ) ) : ?>

    <div id=”pag-top” class=”pagination”>

    <div class=”pag-count” id=”member-dir-count-top”>

    <?php bp_members_pagination_count(); ?>


    <div class=”pagination-links” id=”member-dir-pag-top”>

    <?php bp_members_pagination_links(); ?>



    <?php do_action( ‘bp_before_directory_members_list’ ); ?>

    <?php cc_get_displaymode(‘members’)?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_after_directory_members_list’ ); ?>

    <?php bp_member_hidden_fields(); ?>

    <div id=”pag-bottom” class=”pagination”>

    <div class=”pag-count” id=”member-dir-count-bottom”>

    <?php bp_members_pagination_count(); ?>


    <div class=”pagination-links” id=”member-dir-pag-bottom”>

    <?php bp_members_pagination_links(); ?>



    <?php else: ?>

    <div id=”message” class=”info”>
    <p><?php _e( “Sorry, no members were found.”, ‘cc’ ); ?></p>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_after_members_loop’ ); ?>



    @Henry thanks a lot for the help, but I’m really a beginner, I just opened members-loop.php and sincerely can’t find any instruction on how to add custom profile fields, care to explain?

    Thanks a lot again!



    Thanks for the answer Toby, but I am very new to all of this..Do I install the plugin and then add the “text” that the author specified?

    Thansk again for the help!

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