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  • @pastordatm



    Yes, it’s very strange. The only time this happened is with me. It is either because there is a bug somewhere due to the gMail address or a bug with the owner of BuddyPress in Version 3.1.0 but it is going to take somebody far smarter than me to figure out this peculiarity. I wonder if somebody at BuddyPress would be willing to log into my site and take a peek at what I am talking about? Meanwhile, I am going to register another user with a gMail address and see if it happens again. Thanks for your reply!

    Cheers! Pastor Dave



    And finally, I just noticed that this forum is correctly showing my Username as “@pastordatm” which it should be on my site, under the Member profiles for BuddyPress.

    QUESTIONS: Is this the correct sub-forum for the BuddyPress developers to see this bug report? Is there a Bugzilla bug tracking log (or similar) that has WordPress User access to see if this bug has been reported before? It may need updating for BuddyPress Version 3.1.0 now.

    As always, thanks in advance for any assistance that can be provided towards this issue.

    Pastor Dave



    Hmmmmmmm… I have had two additional users sign up with non-gMail eMail addresses and their Usernames came out as I would want mine to. They have signed up in the format of and their Username beside their Profile Picture is Any_Name. There seems to be a bug in BuddyPress Version 3.1.0 with a user having a gMail eMail address.

    How can I resolve this? Anyone?

    Thanks in advance! Pastor Dave

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