PatriciaT posted an update 13 years, 7 months ago
PatriciaT posted an update 13 years, 7 months ago
@sbrajesh @sbrajesh Brajesh,
I found your reply concerning not being able to reply in Activities and upgrading your theme. How in the world does one do that! I am using BuddyPress Default 1.2.9 and would like to stay with that theme. My community is standing on shaky ground at the moment and I do not think they could deal with a theme change.…[Read more] -
PatriciaT posted an update 13 years, 7 months ago
@jeffsayre @jeffsayre Hi Jeff,
I love your plugin and have been busy creating a very important community using it but have run into one small problem. I have been unsuccessful in finding out why I cannot post a New Topic. The website is http://acourseoflovedialogues.com This is my first time using a Buddy Press site and only a 2 year student of…[Read more] -
PatriciaT started the forum topic My Buddy Press will NOT let me post a new Topic! in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years, 7 months ago
I have searched and studied all the BP Plugins that I have installed to find out why myself or any of the members cannot post a topic! I go to Group, then Forum and click on post a new topic and I receive an error message in […]
PatriciaT posted an update 13 years, 7 months ago
@rcdncn @rcdncn Hi there…It sounds like you know what you are doing and far more advanced than myself but none the less…I am trying. I have all my components working in BP EXCEPT registration! I am not sure what is going on as I have the box checked to allow subscribers. Do you know of any tutorials for installing BP and getting the…[Read more]
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