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  • @pete-deane


    I have come across a solution to my problem. A plugin called BP Admin Actions. Its not been updated since 2010 and I have been in contact with the author who has informed that he will be updating it very soon.

    However, I have installed it and tweaked it slightly to more suit my application and it works fine.

    It adds a button to the members list that allow users signed in with administrator rights to add members to groups. So far it works without any glitches in its current format.

    Give it a try, it’s doing what I needed!



    not following. I’m a beginner and actually grabbed that code from somewhere else and changed some names. that is all!!!



    I have this so far but nothing is happening. Am I doing it right.

    function remove_settings_nav() {
        global $bp;
        bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $bp->settings->slug, 'general' );
    add_action( 'init', 'remove_settings_nav' );

    I am wanting to remove the links for General settings, notifications and capabilities.

    How would the code need to adapted to work how I need it to?



    it doesnt have to use user roles it can use a custom field I have called “record type”



    Ah sorted it. Panic over!!!



    yeah with default theme although I have tweaked a fair bit of it, I just can’t think what I might have changed that will be causing the problem



    hmmm. No I’m on the main release. Maybe its something I’ve done.



    Have you got updated to allow this to work in Buddypress 1.7? I’m getting errors using your original code.




    I wouldn’t know where to start with it. I’m only learning PHP and WordPress / buddypress.

    I was considering trying to theme the dashboard to look like the front end to help with consistency. What are your thoughts?



    I understand what you are saying and yes users of the system will have administrator rights however they aren’t tech savvy and having to go between the front end for viewing and editing profiles and then the backend to add profiles to groups is not ideal at all.

    Let me give you the run down on what I am building.

    I am building a system for a recruitment agency that allows them to create, edit, update and delete records (profiles) for both clients and candidates. I would like to have as much front end as possible to take away the need of them visiting the dashboard and also to make the system more streamlined. Groups will be used for job openings which the agency will receive from clients. Once the group (job) is created the user will need to add candidate profiles to the job from the front end.

    The only time I anticipate the user needing to visit the dashboard is to add new users and to send bulk emails to clients or candidates. I have yet to get this far to experiment. Again though if either of these can be done from the front end then – FANTASTIC!!

    The system is not going to be open to the public for registration and will only be used by staff of the agency.



    I’m trying to remove the need for users of the system to visit the dashboard for any reason apart from adding new users, which is another thing I would ideally like to be to do from the front end also.



    Its ok! Updated and didnt lose anything.

    Still can’t see a way to add users to a group from the front end of the site though.



    hmmm. I’m a bit concerned that I’ll lose what I have been working on.



    Does this new groups admin allow the addition of new groups and allow admin to add users to them from the front end?



    Does the process have to involve altering core files?

    Is there not a different way whereby I would add some code to my themes functions file.

    Also, this is for my final year university project and is quite urgent and very important so any help that you or anyone else monitoring this post can provide would be very appreciated.




    I’m new to php and wouldn’t know where to start with coding the activity comments to display date and time rather than days, hours and minutes.

    I am using the activity stream as a contact trail. Admin will use it to record notes on candidates profile to show what contact they have had. Having the activity stream show date and time will make it easier to track conversations.

    If you could help me with altering the code or adding some custom code to make it work then it would be greatly appreciated.




    Many thanks. I’ll have a play and see how the bp groups plugin can help.

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