Anja Fokker posted an update 14 years, 4 months ago
@blackphantom @Peter, Ik heb begrepen dat je Nederlands bent, dus doe ik mijn verhaaltje in ‘mijn moers taal’.
De codering voor de vertaling vraagt om verbetering, ik wil dat voor je/jullie doen. Echter, ik wil wél eerst antwoord, voor ik aan de slag ga. Het is zoals je zult weten een tijdrovende klus. Als je het niet gebruikt kan ik net zo…[Read more] -
Erich73 posted on the forum topic Is bp dying a slow death? in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 9 months ago
@Peter, I do agree 100%. – Put the social-layer onto the Core features of WordPress: BLOGGING & MULTI-BLOGGING (being able to blog without the need to access the DashBoard, the DashBoard is very complicated for the average internet-user). – Put in the must-haves for a Social-Network: Privacy and extended User-Profiles. – Let the Plugin-developers…[Read more]
Erich73 posted on the forum topic users complaining in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 9 months ago
@Peter “…….full real names instead of anonymous meaningless usernames…..” It does not have to be a “REAL” name, but ONE name for a member is enough. Having 2 names for 1 user (username and display-name) is very very confusing ! @buddypress , @wordpress , How many names are printed on YOUR business-card ? Take a […]
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