moorezilla posted an update 13 years, 6 months ago
@PeterAnselmo @PeterAnselmo Nice! Grabbed a copy of Group Documents 0.4. So far so good! Looks like it’s working fine, but I’ll forward along any bugs if I find any.
moorezilla posted an update 13 years, 6 months ago
@PeterAnselmo @PeterAnselmo I can help test this plugin, if you want help. Just let me know. Best, Andy.
pinkdreambox posted an update 14 years ago
@PeterAnselmo Will there be update that will have Group Documents work under WP 3.1 Multisite and management under Network Admin?
Great Plugin.
gwu123 posted an update in the group Group Documents: 14 years, 6 months ago
@PeterAnselmo – any updates with fixes coming up?
Paul Gibbs posted on the forum topic Group Documents: Any hack to work with BP in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years, 7 months ago
@peteranselmo ping
Bowe posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago
@PeterAnselmo have you had the time to look at my proposal/suggestion above? Thanks in advance 😀
afritech posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago
Sorry, forgot to ping. @PeterAnselmo
Roger Coathup posted an update in the group Group Documents: 14 years, 7 months ago
@PeterAnselmo great plugin, looking forward to trying it out on a new site.
We’d like to give the members the additional option of attaching either a url or a file upload.
Any thoughts on whether implementing this as an additional option within Group Documents makes sense?
Certainly, from a UI experience perspective, our members would want to…[Read more]
Interesting Idea. It would take a moderate amount of tweaking, as the database table would have to be modified for the extra field. From a UI perspective, It could be pretty simple, a checkbox could change the file field to a text field or something similar. It’s not something I’ll be able to get to anytime soon, but if yourself or another…[Read more]
Bowe posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@PeterAnselmo Hi Peter,
I’m really loving your group documents plugin, and it will be a very helpful plugin for my project. I have a small request though; I’m heavily customizing BuddyPress and especially the group pages are getting a big overhaul. Now what I would like to do is display a widget on the group pages which shows the latest file…[Read more]
@PeterAnselmo have you had the time to look at my proposal/suggestion above? Thanks in advance 😀
gwu123 posted an update in the group Group Documents: 14 years, 7 months ago
@PeterAnselmo can we have a feature to limit the total upload size per group. E.g each group has to total space of 100Mb to upload documents.
Ali Erkurt posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@PeterAnselmo Hello Peter!
I’m using your Group Documents. Thanks for the plugin!I want to add a nav item as “My Documents” on user profile page. When you navigate to this item, it’ll show user’s documents which were uploaded by him/her. What I want is the list of documents for the user.
How can I do that?
gwu123 posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@PeterAnselmo hi Peter when can we expect an updated version of Groupd Documents.
gwu123 posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago
@PeterAnselmo @PeterAnselmo – how do i get the total number of documents uploaded for a group. Thanks,
Hmmmm, There’s not a simple way. Here’s the details:
There’s a class variable in templatetags.php called “total_records”. After a template object is populated (see index.php line 335), this variable will have what you need. It’s used to display the total in the paging summary before the list. However, I never intended it to be accessed…[Read more]
r-a-y posted on the forum topic Is Group Documents safe on large sites? Can people upload malicious code/ viruses etc? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 10 months ago
I haven’t checked the source fully, but it looks like the Group Documents plugin only checks files by extension and not something like the mime-type. So there is a chance that someone could do something “dodgy”; though if you have a decent user base, you won’t have to worry about it.
@PeterAnselmo – ping!
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