Jeff Sayre posted on the forum topic Attacking spam — different approaches + results in the group Spam Eater: 14 years, 3 months ago
Interesting write up, @peterkirn. Please suggested this topic as a possible agenda item for tomorrow’s BP dev meeting: http://bpdevel.wordpress.com/2010/10/30/the-next-dev-chat-will-be-on-wednesday-3/
Also, I assume that you’ve seen this older thread started by @foxly?…[Read more]
Peter Kirn posted an update 14 years, 4 months ago
@DJPaul So, Paul, are you in fact also a DJ? I know your other work, but — that’s very awesome indeed.
Also, I may know of a gig for you if you’re down for plugin dev. You can catch me on irc as peterkirn or Twitter as @peterkirn.
Not recently active
Hi Peter. No, I’m not. There’s a longish story behind that alias which stretches back to my school days, so I’ve stuck with it 🙂