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  • @phyz


    Im thinking its a buddypress isssue now. Once I disable buddypress no problem occurs.



    When I disable buddypress all the javascript works normally, so I’m not sure what that could mean.



    Thank you for the response and the link. It didn’t exactly provide me with what I was looking but definitely has a great amount of information that would be useful.

    What I am doing with this is passing the values of the inputs with cURL. I already have the name and email done because the Buddypress registration provides the “names” of those. i.e. ‘sign_email’

    What I would like to know is my profile name is named “Country” when I created it through the dashboard, if that will be the “name” for the input field. I hope this a little more clear.

    Again, thank you for the reply and link.



    @ChuckNJ I would love to show you, but its only in the testing phase right now so it’s not up to me right now. What I can say is this is a great theme and allows for great customization. When the site is done I will definitely send you out a link.



    @ChuckNJ Oh alright, when you post there is a bar on the right side, under “post tags” called “featured image”. Click “set featured image” and then either upload or select from your library. Also with this theme you are able to set which categories are shown in the slider. For instance, I created a category called “featured” and only those posts in the category get displayed. This is useful because you may not want all of your categories to be displayed.



    @ChuckNJ Mine is working just fine. Are you using the images as featured images?



    @Svenl77 Hi, thanks for the response, I have got this working! Sorry for the late response. I also have one question, are drop down menus finished? Thank you for your great theme.

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