9 years, 7 months ago
Hi @graylien,
thanks for your answer!
There is just one problem I have. Every tab has its own save button which only saves the changes in this “tab”. Even if they are all on the same page.
Is there a way to fix this?
10 years, 9 months ago
OK, i solved it by putting the following code on top of the home.php. is that ok? it looks good…
if ( bp_is_user_groups() or bp_is_user_activity() ) : $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $bp_profile_link=bp_core_get_user_domain( $current_user->ID); bp_core_redirect($bp_profile_link); endif;
thanks! but i get an error if i add the redirect (see above)
EDIT: i added the code to the file members/single/groups.php for example
i added the following code at the top of the template:
<?php status_header('301'); $redirect = get_site_url(); header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: ".$redirect); exit(); ?>
unfortunately it does not work. is there any trick?!
Edit: when i activate the debug mode, i get this error:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by
yeah, a redirect could be a solution. thanks!