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  • @pjries


    I have added my own experiences to those of @dba2k10 in the thread above:

    Like the OP, I also found that none of the bb press tables were being created in my database. I was able to create them manually by using the MySQL statements in the file. It’s not optimal, but it’s one fix. Hope this helps further the conversation.



    Lumenbeing, the answer is yes, in my experience. I am testing WordPress MultiSite with BuddyPress on a Dreamhost setup. I did install by uploading via FTP, not via the one click, but for whatever reason, none of the BB Press tables were created in my database. I tried applying the patch in Paul’s post above, but that wasn’t enough and uninstalling and re-installing the forums via the Web still didn’t help.

    I went through the MySQL statements in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/bb-admin/includes/ and was able to create the tables manually in the SQL dialog box in phpMyAdmin. You do need to make sure you fill in the database names for the variable $bbdb in each statement
    ie: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$bbdb->forums
    needed to become
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tablename_bb_forums`
    But I am now able to use the forums for public/private/hidden groups as I expected they would work.
    I do suspect this is a server issue and perhaps a MySQL version issue as well. I can’t imagine why none of the tables would be created, otherwise.
    Hope this helps further the conversation.

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