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  • @pjtna


    Unfortunately as that says nothing about the types of requests going to the Ajax file, it’s not very helpful.

    Is your site using an object cache?

    I’m not quite sure what an object cache is. If it helps, I am using CloudFare with my website.

    How do I find out what requests are going to the Ajax file?

    As for Ajax it is being used far too much, people don’t seem to get why it oughtn’t to be or when it’s even suitable to be used – people love gimmicks and that’s all Ajax is – even if I do like using it myself.

    I have disabled WordPress’ autosave in posts too, which I think uses ajax. As far as I’m aware, I haven’t put any ajax on my website, so I’m assuming the ajax calls must be from the plugins.

    My plugins, if this helps:
    – Advanced Custom Fields
    – Akismet
    – bbPress
    – bbPress Topics for Posts
    – BP Template Pack
    – BuddyPress
    – BuddyPress Custom Profile Menu
    – Custom Post Template
    – GD bbPress tools
    – Google Analyticator
    – Google XML Sitemaps
    – Restrict Content Pro
    – Use Google Libraries
    – WordPress Backup to Dropbox
    – WP Minify

    I’m going to try and move it to the Virtual Server on MT.





    I am also happy with the username on the activate.php page if editing the email is too hard, so it could look like:

    Your account was activated successfully! You can now log in with the username *INSERT USERNAME* and password you provided when you signed up.



    Then just the username in the email would be a good option OR showing the username on the activation page once the activation link in the email has been clicked.

    Edit: I have edited the topic title to say send only username (not username + password) with activation email.



    I am still having trouble with this and it is driving me nuts!
    I have disabled the plugin “Restrict Usernames”, and have added this code to my functions.php file
    `add_filter(‘validate_username’ , ‘custom_validate_username’, 10, 2);
    function custom_validate_username($valid, $username ) {
    if (preg_match(“/\s/”, $username)) {
    // there are spaces
    return $valid=false;
    return $valid;
    And still, usernames with spaces are allowed through during registration.



    I am still having problems with the registration. I have activated the plugin “Restrict Usernames” by Scott Reilly, and ticked the box to prevent having spaces in usernames, but when registering usernames with spaces, registration continues to be allowed to go through.

    Can anyone help me with this please?



    I’ve tried it again and I am using the original buddypress registration.php – usernames with spaces are still allowed.

    Does anyone else’s site allow them to a register a username with a space or is it just me? I do prefer it with a space because it looks nicer on the site.



    Ok, finally figured it out. It was the member->single->plugins file. Seemed to be the only one I hadn’t re-aligned stupidly enough.



    Hi guys, if anyone could point me in the right direction, that’d be really great! :)



    Ok, so there was a slight error in the above code for the ‘Messages’. If anyone is interested in the link, here is the code I have used for Messages, which shows how many messages you have unread like Messages (2), or leaves it at Messages (0) if you have no messages.

    <li> 0 ) { ?>
    <a href=&quot;/messages/" rel="nofollow">Messages ()</a><?php
    } else {
    ?><a href=&quot;/messages/" rel="nofollow">Messages (0)</a></li>

    I have also done the links for ‘Compose’ and ‘Sent’:

    <li><a href=&quot;/messages/compose/">Compose</a></li>
    <li><a href=&quot;/messages/sentbox/">Sent</a></li>



    Ok, so I found this via some more google searching:

    The code has a few errors on there, but I managed to fix up the Profile links. At the moment, I have:

    Hello, Username
    – Profile
    – Edit Profile
    – Edit Settings

    where Profile, Edit Profile and Edit Settings are links for that user.

    This is the code I am using and it looks to be working well:

    <strong>Hello, </strong>
    <li><a href=&quot;profile/">Profile</a>
    <li><a href=&quot;profile/edit/">Edit Profile</a>
    <li><a href=&quot;settings/">Edit Settings</a>

    I am now working on the “Notifications”, e.g. Messages, Compose, Sent. I managed to figure out the “Messages” link.

     0 ) { ?>
    <a href=&quot;" rel="nofollow">">Inbox ()</a><?php
    } else {
    ?><a href=&quot;/messages/" rel="nofollow">No new messages</a>

    So now I just need “Compose” and “Sent”



    Hi @Chouf1,

    I have been googling for the past 2 hours, so I thought I might finally give the forums a go.

    I am already using my own theme – I have my sidebar-buddypress.php ready to insert code I need to add these links. Once I have the links I’m ok with styling it. I don’t think I need to set up a widget as I can directly edit the php file in Coda.

    The problem is, I don’t know what the code is and that is what I’m looking for.

    Hope that clarifies it a bit more.

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