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  • @plumbingsuperstore


    Thank you Boone I will follow your instructions!!

    Much appreciated!!!!



    Boone howzit bud! 🙂 Thanks for the reply! Much appreciated!!!

    I went into my cpanel, fortunately these guys I’m hosting with have auto saves on and I could restore my site to a previous time. WHOOOOHOOOO!!!!! So happy I chose them as my host provider!!!!

    There is the fear though that this might occur again!… so running the neglected back up on my side will occur before every plugin installed or major settings change…. discipline is the way forward!

    Ok prevention is better than cure right!?

    So here goes the story as good as I can explain in my no programmer/developer language…

    I was in wordpress… Installing Buddypress… I opened a second browser tab so I can view all the changes etc. that I made tweaking and installing Buddyp. (..aaand gloating cause I actually followed instructions to the letter and it all worked out just peachy!) Buddypress installed even downloaded the fake content plugin to see the end result in all it’s glory.. 🙂

    I had to take it just one step further to satisfy this little voice in my head!

    To test Buddyp. as a potential new register.

    I logged out as admin….

    all Sh*t broke loose just then….

    I created a new account as a new user… completed in the registration form with a fresh email account… Buddyp. sent me the verify link to my email account.

    Clicking on the verify email account link… gave me a – page not found – and re-directed be back to the login up page, once there telling me in red highlight – there is no account with those details…

    Frantically entering the new registration details just kept me in the same loop…

    Then deciding ok… to use my admin credentials to get back into either Buddyp. or my site backend…

    To no avail… admin credentials did not do the trick… I was locked out completely…!

    My std WordPress email credentials meant squat!

    My main concern is, I need to to fix this…
    I a new user register with my site the same think will occur to them…

    Being redirected back to the login and password block after clicking and confirming their email address….

    I am not sure how to fix this!

    I hope this makes sense… ?

    Once again… thank you for the response to help out… would you know how to fix said issue?





    Also when trying to create a new user registration in my buddyp site, I get an error link / page not found…





    Whoops correct adress.

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