proshot posted on the forum topic facebook connect to send post user profile in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years ago
I am having trouble getting Facebook to accept a buddy press page – of any sort but the biggest issue is the profile page. the symptoms are: facebook reads the url and does nto record the title but the page does have a title if you do have a page that does work I would […]
proshot joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 14 years ago
proshot started the forum topic The message could not be posted to this Wall on Facebook in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years ago
MY PROBLEM IS Facebook will accept links to pages and posts on my site BUT NOT the PROFILE link in my buddypress site. They symptom is : Facebook reads the page finds the image and an short bit regarding the page content. but does not find the title (even though it is there in the […]
proshot joined the group Miscellaneous 14 years ago
proshot posted on the forum topic Registration/Login Integration with Google/Facebook/Beyond!!! in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
I simply use the facebook connect. and have disabled any other form of registration or login. and i only get 1 user unless they have multiple facebook accounts and i get the benefit of avoiding the need for any other authentication since facebook spend millions confirming its users i get to use that development for […]
proshot joined the group Creating & Extending 14 years ago
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