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  • @prowseed


    I didn’t found one while I was in similar situation, but you can extend my hardcoded php to a plugin that I’ve glued some time ago:

    //display new massages count along with new massages list
    global $bp;
    $hmag_inbox_count = messages_get_unread_count();
    <li class="dropdown pr">
    <a data-target=&quot;#wiadomosci_drop&quot; data-toggle=&quot;dropdown&quot; href=&quot;messages/" class="messages  0) ? 'active' : ''); ?> dropdown-toggle">
    <span class="notifications_type">
    if ($hmag_inbox_count > 0) {
    $display_unread_count = $hmag_inbox_count;
    if ($hmag_inbox_count > 9) {
    $display_unread_count = '9+';
    echo '<span class="notifications_count br3">'.$display_unread_count.'</span>';
    <div class="dropdown-menu status_drop_wrap" id="#wiadomosci_drop">
    <em class="before_arrow"></em>
    <div class="status_drop">
    <h5>Nowe wiadomo?ci</h5>
    <a href=";" class="status_drop_close"></a>
    <ul class="unstyled clearfix">
    <li class="clearfix db pr x40img">
    <a href=&quot;" class="single_status_link clearfix">
    <em class="after_hide"></em>
    <span class="image-wrap db fl">
    <span class="oh db clearfix">
    <span class="status_title cb"></span>
    <span class="status_text cb">
    <?php } else {
    echo '<p class="empty_info">
    Brak nowych wiadomo?ci
    <a href=&quot;messages/" class="db all_updates cb fr">
    Zobacz wszystkie

    Sorry it’s in Polish and a bit messy, but I belieev you will manage to take a meat out of it : )



    Thanks shanebp for your effort, but Boris’ idea seems to be more sensible for me. Thanks you both for answer.



    @shanebp, you are awesome : )
    I just jumped into my ftp, located the function bp_has_message_threads() and trully there is a type param. And… the code you posted on top works like a dream : )
    Thanks again.



    And did YOU look at the codex? :)
    Ofcourse, it was the first thing I did when I discovered the problem. I’ve been heavy googling for one hour after I made this question. At the codex there is info that the olny accepted parameters are:
    {user_id, box, per_page, max}. Perhaps “box=notices” would be some point of interest (can’t check now as I’m away from working env) but obviusly there’s nothing like type ;)

    And about: bp_message_thread_has_unread()
    I don’t want to check if the message I get is unread or not, but I need to make this filter on the level of query ( not display ), so I am getting only unread messages, not ‘n’ number of messages from which I am displaying only those that are unread because either way I will not display all of them or I will have to query very big amount.

    I see the great power of BuddyPress, but I’m pretty new in this system (it’s my second day :) ) and I’m jumping through files and functions looking for some clue. I could optionaly make it dirty hardcode, but then everyone in my team would push me to the pit of inferno ;)

    Anyway: Thanks for interest :)

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