11 years, 10 months ago
For anyone wanting to do this I figured it out. Step 1: Go to your child theme and find /groups/groups-loop.php find the code that says
<div class="item-avatar"> <a href="<?php bp_group_permalink(); ?>"><?php bp_group_avatar( 'type=thumb&width=45&height=45' ); ?></a> </div>
Step 2: You will replace that code with “group-header” code found here(groups/single/group-header.php)
<div id="item-header-avatar"> <a href="<?php bp_group_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php bp_group_name(); ?>"> <?php bp_group_avatar(); ?> </a> </div><!-- #item-header-avatar -->
That worked for me. Probably not the best route to altering it if you want to do a lot of CSS modifications to the “Group Forum Listing.” But if you want to just change the size to something larger this works.