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  • @roberte


    anybody got any ideas?

    or how about put it another way.

    Who actually has wp multi site + bp and gets bp avatars to show up in activity streams for new blog posts correctly??



    Anybody make any headway on a global MU like system? Someone mentioned before about deploying like button across MU blogs then having some widget or template tags/short codes to display “most liked” last X number of hours/days on main blog. This would be powerful. I’d be willing to pay for it if anyone can do it.



    i should add that instead of clicking “Dashboard”, as mentioned above, if i click on anything in the 2nd level menu (i.e. “New Post”, “Manage Posts”, “Manage Comments”), i go to the respective pages correctly. no downloaded file… strange.



    sorry. one correction. on the line with “/wp-content/uploads/” probably best to take the ending forward slash out. so now it’s “/wp-content/uploads”. still works the above way, but the url output seems to be technically more correct without the ending slash



    in case anyone’s interested, here’s the exact code that worked for me on wp multi site 3.0.1 and bp 1.2.6, sub blogs on sub domains (thanks to @foralien).

    add this to a bp-custom.php file and place the file in /wp-content/plugins/ (if you already have a bp-custom file, then add the code to the same one between the php start/end)

    worked like a charm. been searching for answer to this for several days! finally.

    function nfm_bp_avtar_upload_path_correct($path){
    if ( bp_core_is_multisite() ){
    $path = ABSPATH . get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG,

    ‘upload_path’ );
    return $path;

    ‘nfm_bp_avtar_upload_path_correct’, 1);

    function nfm_bp_avatar_upload_url_correct($url){
    if ( bp_core_is_multisite() ){
    $url = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, ‘siteurl’ ) .

    return $url;
    add_filter(‘bp_core_avatar_url’, ‘nfm_bp_avatar_upload_url_correct’,




    I should also mention here that sub blogs are subdomain configuration and I’m using default theme with bp colors orange child theme. One thing I thought of is that I took out the “members” base using config file method mentioned in buddypress codex. Hosted on hostgator shared with dedicated ip. MU site is main domain on account. Hope this gives someone more relevant info to help.



    Most recent 3.0.1 and 1.2.6. I’ll check the other link out too thanks!






    errrr. ok. vars in caps: “”



    sorry. the sample image link above didn’t display correctly.

    i meant that the image url looks like “”

    hopefully this works.



    To clarify, what I don’t want is a user to sign up with no blog then later get a blog with a non-username domain.



    sweet! thanks mercime!! much appreciated.

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