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I’ve tried every combination of reinstall I can think of but it just won’t load the database tables.
Just reinstalled everything and no dice. It didn’t work at all.
Actually my problem seems identical to this one:
The solution there isn’t working for me.
It’s getting more interesting now:
After going through the forum install one more time, I looked into the bb-config.php file that was generated.
$bb_table_prefix = ‘wp_bb_’;
There is no table in the database that starts with wp_bb_.
I even removed the bb-config.php and ran the forum installation again and still no tables. It’s like it’s making the config file without doing the backend stuff.
Any ideas?
Yes, that’s exactly how it will work. Buddypress simply skins the registration process. Your users can register sitewide (I would recommend on the main install) and will be able to sign on anywhere within the site.
Yep I did that, and when it said everything was fine, I did it again and then reinstalled it one more time to be sure
This would imply their is a problem in your .htaccess file. Could you post that here as well as reset your permalink settings.
At this point, I at least am not using 1.1 as are most people.
Thanks a lot JEFF! Using your link and this post: solved my problem!
Thanks again!
Take a look at the buddybar in bbpress plugin:
That post has the solution to the problem.
It sounds interesting but I doubt it would be possible.
You did, input the deep integration code properly? Check your apache error logs as well.
Thanks a lot for that fix!
Well we know that within the next 6 months, mu and wordpress will eventually combine. At that point, it would be safe to bet that buddypress will work with both the multi-user as well as the single user (both will be the same)
List version numbers of buddypress, wordpress mu, and bbpress.
I believe this means that the mysql query wasn’t understood or the answer was blank (empty) and it didn’t know what to do with it.
If your database is messed up now, just drop all of the tables that go wp_bp_
The wp_ is your prefix from your bb-config.php and the bp_ is the prefix from the buddypress. just drop all tables with the wp_bp_ and you should be fine to reinstall.
Honestly, there are so many of those plugins out there that without trying you have no idea what will happen.
THe same happens with bbPress. At this point there is no solution.
You go to the themes admin and turn it off from there.
I can show you a few tricks that will make coding your nav bar seem like the long way of doing things. There is a faster way.
Email me:
I’ll walk you through it.
No honestly speaking, there is no simple theme like you are asking.
They are buddypress widgets. They leave some data inside the database specifically the wp_bp_ tables. To completely remove buddypress you will want to drop those tables.
Can you link us to your site please?
If you have this integrated as you say, you may be able to completely remove the login in bbpress and just use the integrated cookies to make it work.
The Default Home Theme is meant so that it is used with just that, the HOME blog. You really shouldn’t be using it on any other blog because it will cause conflicts.