Posted on 6th October 2010 (1 year ago) #
Solved now – The hosting company told me to swap outgoing mail server from “” to “localhost’ and now seems to be working.
Thanks tremendously for all your help @Ulrich and others….
Sort of, maybe. It tells me somewhere out there at bluehost php sendmail is waiting for instructions.
I already did my very best to uninstall WP (using simplescripts), delete the WP DB and DB users, and delete any other traces I could find using ftp. When I re-installed, I could register a new user to the WP installation and generate a successful activation email (which looked just like the ones they are talking about in your forum link). Then I installed BP, went through the same registration process, same address, same result in the WP BP users lists, but no email is sent.
Something is not landing in the right place or getting updated correctly when BP is installed. Still flummoxed.