Forum Replies Created
No I am not using any extra profile plugin. I am using ignite theme and I think it is compatible with BP. check this.
Q 2. I have added extra field for short BIO and saw your codes add_action to retrieve and display that BIO of user but not getting where exactly I need to add that code in function.php. I am also not getting member.php in buddypress plugin editor. I think code would be like this but dont know where I need to put that codes exactly.
add_action( ‘bp_profile_header_meta’, ‘display_user_short BIO’ );
function display_user_short BIO() {
//This is where the code to display the user data will go.
}$args = array(
‘field’ => ‘short BIO’, // Field name or ID.
‘user_id’ => bp_displayed_user_id() // Default
);your cooperation would be highly appreciable.
I am using latest version of both. Ignite theme.
I meant by #1 ques
when I added extra field in registration form which is Date of birth, I gave option in drop down date format. but it is giving year of birth till 2037 while registering which is not logical coz its 2014 and when I tried to register as user and select my year of birth 2016, it accepted. how is it possible that I am entering value which is not come yet (year 2016 is not applicable value).
Q 4. Is it possible if you will provide any CSS and I will add somehwere coz I think its too much technical for me 🙂
would love to share. I was just not understanding the use of activation key. when I posted a query I was not aware but and when I registered and did not get any mail then I realised its related with activation link on mail send to user. 🙂
thanks it is solved 🙂 #bb-help