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  • sasole posted an update 14 years, 5 months ago

    @justbishop Hi, for quit some time now I’m trying to find a solution to link the calssifieds to the profile info. So theat when u user places a n add it automaticaly displays his/her profile info and avatar. And in the profile the adss he/she had placed are shown. This is for a buddypress community site where non commercial adds will be displayed…[Read more]

    • I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure what you mean about my Claissifieds plugin, as I haven’t written one? If you need to keep the “post” post type open for actual blogging on your main site, I’d say to try the CMS Press plugin to create an all new post type called “classifieds”. Using the CMS Press plugin, you can also add any new taxonomies to the new…[Read more]

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